Facebook Marketplace क्या है और फेसबुक से पैसा कैसे कमाए 2021 में ? | Make Money| By Mealsan.com

दोस्तों मानव दिन-प्रतिदिन नये नये अविष्कारों की खोज करता जा रहा है अगर हम विज्ञान और तकनीकी की बात करें तो हम बहुत आगे निकल चुके हैं आजकल अधिकतर चीजें आनलाइन हो गयी हैं और हम आनलाइन करना पसंद भी करते हैं क्यों कि यह सुविधाजनक होता है यदि आप इंटरनेट से जुड़े हैं मतलब इस्तेमाल करते हैं तो...

Glowroad App क्या है Glowroad app से पैसे कैसे कमाए 2021 में ? | MakeMoney | By Mealsan.Com

दोस्तों जैसे-जैसे हम डिजिटलाइजेशन की ओर बढ़ते जा रहे हैं वैसे- वैसे अधिकतम चीजे ऑनलाइन शिफ्ट होती जा रही हैं और हम लोग किसी काम को ऑनलाइन करना पसंद भी करते हैं क्योंकि यह सस्ता सुविधाजनक होता है कोरोनावायरस की वजह से हुए लॉकडाउन के बाद लोग इंटरनेट पर नए-नए पैसे कमाने के व्यवसाय के विकल्प खोजने में लग...

Meesho app क्या है और Meesho app से पैसे कैसे कमाए 2021 में ? | MakeMoney | By Mealsan.com

दोस्तों आज के समय मेंपसै कौन नहीं कमाना चाहता क्योंकि पैसों की जरूरत सभी को है और बिना पैसों केकोई भी काम होने वाला नहीं है कोरोनावायरस की वजह से हुए लॉकडाउन के कारण अधिकतर लोग बेरोजगारहो गए हैंऔर पैसों की किल्लत से जझू रहे हैं तथा पैसे कमाने के नए-नए तरीके खोज रहे हैं क्योंकि लॉकडाउन की वजह...

i wasn’t expecting broccoli to taste so good but life is full of surprises. i gu…mealsan.com,lazy meal

i wasn’t expecting broccoli to taste so good but life is full of surprises. i guess tossed in with some other ingredients it’s not so bad in all seriousness this pasta sauce was actually amazing and so filling. of course filled with goodness and nutrition pasta is one of the best carbs🥰 penne pasta 1/3 head of broccoli 1/12 a large onion 1 tbs olive...

cinnamon rolls? no its an upgrade strawberry cheesecake rolls. i. am. obsess..mealsan.com,lazy meal

cinnamon rolls? no its an upgrade strawberry cheesecake rolls. i. am. obsessed. usually with two ingredient dough it’s a mess to get it cooked all the way through but i did it today without any tinfoil. i think the trick is just to use a small pan. so i used a mini loaf pan and it worked wonders. this...

it’s the last sunny day for a while so i’m going to enjoy as much of it as i can…

it’s the last sunny day for a while so i’m going to enjoy as much of it as i can it’s been warm the last few days, my runs have felt kinda weird not being freezing but after a few miles in it feels so good!! getting in a lot of vitamin D and endorphins the perfect combination just like...

celebrating a beautiful sunrise with baked oats i saw pink shining in the kitc…

celebrating a beautiful sunrise with baked oats i saw pink shining in the kitchen when i got up this morning and just knew the sunrise was going to be beautiful and i was not disappointed i added some caramel to my coffee and chocolate to my oats because that’s the only way to do life right chocolate cherry baked...

happy national banana bread day! i thought the 23rd was tomorrow but during the…

happy national banana bread day! i thought the 23rd was tomorrow but during the act (🙄) i was told it was actually today so i got home and immediately cooked up this banana bread recipe and let me tell you i forgot just how amazing banana bread is and with the secret added ingredients... love and caramel it was heavenly and refined...

mornings filled with slow music, cold coffee, and hot oatmeal trying to find p…

mornings filled with slow music, cold coffee, and hot oatmeal trying to find positivity in each day no matter how negative they feel today my positivity was a throw back oatmeal to pb and j with strawberry jelly because that’s the superior jelly have a beautiful day lovelies pb&j oatmeal: 1 cup almond milk 1/2 cup oats 1 tbs pb powder 1/4 tsp...

so yesterday i made what might be the most important purchase of my life and i…

so yesterday i made what might be the most important purchase of my life and i got a mini waffle maker from target so i just want to start by saying if you don’t have this i need you to go get it right now. it’s only $10 and it’s so easy to make breakfast with they cooked so...